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The following is a list of available titles. Click on any title for more information about the content of that particular presentation.
Presentations for Patient Education or Lay Audiences:
Presentations for Peer or Other
Specialty Audiences:
Arthritis & Your Feet

Geared toward the lay audience, this newly redesigned lecture contains clinical photographs, radiographs, color diagrams, and illustrations. The classifications, symptoms, progression and various treatments of Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Lyme Disease are described. This lecture contains 52 slides.
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Common Foot and Ankle Conditions:
An Overview and Treatment Discussion
This presentation explains "What is a Podiatrist" and covers the scope of podiatric practice. The script, supported by color slides, describes deformities encountered in the podiatric practice, including Neuromas, Hallux Valgus, Tailor's Bunions, Pes Valgus, Pes Cavus, Heel Spur, Haglund's Deformity, Metatarsalgia, Warts, Corns and Callouses, and Ingrown Toenails. The lecture also briefly discusses the fact that a podiatrist treats pediatric and diabetic populations as well as sports medicine-related conditions. This PowerPoint file contains 41 slides.
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Common Foot Myths
Suitable for lay audiences, this lecture presents a look at 7 common foot myths. Basic misconceptions are addressed, and the correct information is illustrated through the use of clinicals, x-rays, and detailed illustrations The concepts discussed include: heel pain is only caused by a bone spur, frogs cause warts, you should cut a "v" in an ingrown nail, bunions and hammertoes are caused by shoes, all diabetics have foot problems, if you can move it -- it is not broken, and "they will grow out of it." This lecture is produced in the same style as the other Institute slide lectures, allowing the lecturer to mix and match slides. This lecture contains 62 slides.
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Fungal Nails
Suitable for lay audiences, this lecture presents an in-depth look at onychomycosis. The lecture begins with the definition of the different types of fungal nails, and then stresses risk factors and preventative measures. Different treatment options(oral, topical, and surgical) are detailed.
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Geriatric Foot and Leg
Designed for presentation to the lay audience, this lecture explains vascular disease and its effect on the feet, Arteriosclerosis, Skin Changes in the Geriatric Patient, Varicose Veins, Corns, Callouses, Dermatitis, Tinea Pedis, and Proper Nail Care. Skin Growths and Tumors, Psoriasis, Ulcers, Arthritic Disorders, and the Aging Process of the Musculoskeletal System are also discussed. This lecture contains 60 slides.
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Heel Pain
  Geared toward the lay audience, this lecture presents a concise look at the major causes and common treatments for heel pain. The presentation begins by giving a brief explanation of the normal heel anatomy. An in-depth look at Heel Spur Syndrome/Plantar Fasciitis is then presented, as well as discussions on Heel Bursitis, Nerve Entrapments, Stress Fractures, Tumors, Posterior Heel Pain, and Calcaneal Apophysitis. Various conservative and surgical treatment options are discussed. This lecture contains 60 slides.
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Pediatric Foot Conditions
 ![]() This program presents some of the more common disorders which can affect children's feet. Topic areas discussed in depth include: Juvenile Hallux Valgus, Metatarsus Adductus, Calcaneovalgus, Syndactyly, Brachymetatarsia, Curly Toe, Pes Valgus, Clubfoot, Equinus, Cavus Foot, Ingrown Toenails, Warts, and Trauma. This lecture contains 69 slides.
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Podiatric Sports Medicine
This lecture is suitable for a wide range of audiences, and discusses the common conditions seen in the sports enthusiast. Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment are discussed for many conditions including: Overuse Injuries, Traumatic Injuries, Blisters, Jogger's/Tennis Toe, Ingrown Toenail, Turf Toe, Neuromas, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Sever's Disease, Ankle Sprains, Achilles Tendinitis, Calf Muscle Tear, Shin Pain, Fractures, and Knee Injuries. This lecture contains 80 slides.
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Running Injuries
This lecture is designed for lecturing to everyone from the daily walker to the competitive running athlete. A general overview of the causes of running injuries is presented in combination with specific injuries that are covered in detail. The treatment of these conditions and the proper return to activity and ways to prevent new injuries are also discussed. Topic areas include injuries ranging from the toes to the hip and back including: Jogger’s toe, ingrown nails, heel pain, neuroma, Achilles tendonitis, various types of leg pain, stress fractures, Patellofemoral syndrome, Iliotibial injuries and common adolescent injuries including Sever’s disease and Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease. This lecture contains 48 slides.
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Your Foot and Diabetes
This lecture is designed to assist the practitioner in diabetic patient education. The lecture details how the podiatrist examines the diabetic foot, and also provides helpful tips for the prevention of problems. The discussion covers the topics of Circulation, Neuropathy, Proper Shoes, and Skin and Toenail Problems. The proper treatment of a Callous or Corn (and what not to use in treating these conditions), orthotics, the Threat of Infection, and the Treatment of Fungal Infections are also discussed. This lecture contains 55 slides.
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Common Pedal Problems in the Diabetic Patient

This presentation is geared toward other medicalprofessionals involved in the care of the diabetic patient. Thelecture discusses the steps to take in thoroughly evaluating the diabetic neurological exam. The lecture then presents an in-depth look at the classification and management of diabetic ulcerations. Ulcer treatment and prevention are also discussed. The lecture concludes with a brief look at Charcot joint disease. This lecture contains 66 slides.
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Diabetic Charcot Foot

Podiatric Physicians are frequently asked to lecture to medical staff and related groups for CME programs such as Grand Rounds, Department Meetings, etc. on the topic of The Diabetic Charcot Foot. This lecture was specifically designed to educate the medical community about what might be considered one of the most devastating conditions that can occur. A condition that usually goes unrecognized or incorrectly diagnosed. The resulting mistreatment leads to severe complications such as gross deformity, fracture dislocations, eventual ulceration, infection and not uncommonly partial or complete amputation. The Diabetic Charcot Foot. The lecture emphasizes the STAGE ZERO foot and explains the diseases, it's etiologies, radiographic and nuclear medicine evaluation and assessment and stresses the importance of early recognition and early treatment, the various conservative and treatment modalities we employ today. This lecture contains 99 slides.
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Foot and Leg Trauma

Designed for presentation to other medical professionals, this lecture presents traumatic conditions which occur in the foot and leg. Proper triage and management are discussed. Topics covered include Lacerations, Anesthesia, Traumatic Amputations, Puncture Wounds, Crush Injuries, Digital Fractures and Dislocations, and Sprains and Fractures of the Ankle and Foot. This lecture contains 69 slides.
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Forefoot Surgery

This program, designed for presentation to other medical professionals, strives to better inform them of the advances in podiatric medicine and surgery. Many of the basic forefoot surgical procedures commonly performed by podiatrists are reviewed, including Neuromas, Removal of Soft Tissue Masses, Heloma Molle, Hallux Valgus (Reverdin, Akin, Base Wedge), Hallux Limitus, Tailor's Bunions, Hyperkeratotic Lesions, and Hammertoes. Postoperative care, forefoot anatomy and pathology are also discussed. This lecture contains 80 slides.
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Primary Foot Care

This lecture is designed to help the podiatric physician effectively practice in the managed care arena by providing the primary care provider with information on the treatment of uncomplicated foot problems. More importantly, this lecture advises when a referral to a foot specialist should be considered. The presentation discusses Common Nail Problems, Common Skin Problems, Neuromas, Hammertoes, Bunions, Heel Pain and Flatfoot. This lecture contains 80 slides.
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The Podiatry Institute, Inc.
2675 North Decatur Rd., Suite 309
Decatur, GA 30033